Gift Gala
Posted on 11/27/2023

We are happy to announce that our annual Gift Giving Gala will be held during the week of December 11-15.  During this week each class will have the opportunity to visit the Gala and purchase items for immediate family members. Items will each be a $.025 donation. All proceeds from the Gala will be donated to Youth Haven Barrie.

We are currently accepting any donations of new or gently used items for our Gala, as well as gift wrapping supplies such as tape, wrapping paper, tissue, gift tags, ribbons and bows. Please drop off items to the office or send them in with your child in the coming 2 weeks of school.

This annual tradition encourages our student population to see the importance of our community helping others who need support.  Our approximate donation to Youth Haven Barrie has been between $700 and $1 000 as a result of our staff, families, and student's collective efforts.